W2 QSL Bureau


Who We Are

We are a group of amateur radio operators who are dedicated to upholding the traditions established by our founders in 1957. That was the year the North Jersey DX Association was established and in that same year, the management of the QSL Bureau was taken over. Dr. Urb LeJeune, W1UL is a founding member of the NJDXA. An accomplished DXer, Urb is the author of several books related to the Internet. His contributions to the success of our club and of the QSL Bureau are most appreciated.

A few of our members are retired but most of them still have the normal responsibilities of work, home, family, and a life apart from amateur radio. Still, every month, they show up at our meetings and take home a grocery bag full of cards to either sort and return for distribution or they make mailings to the subscribers to our service. Even our Senior Members pitch in when the volume of cards is high.

Where we live

Members of the NJDXA come from all over the state of New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, Westchester, Rockland and Orange counties in the state of New York. Some members travel nearly 100 miles each way to attend a meeting. They do not complain because they realize that the DX Community depends upon their work.

Why we do what we do

Members of the North Jersey DX Association feel that we have derived a great deal of pleasure from amateur radio. By volunteering our efforts to the operation of the QSL Bureau, we feel that we are giving back some of what we owe to the hobby.

QSL Bureau Manager, John Stockman, KC2THY does more than his share of work for the Bureau. John is a Letter-Manager as well as the Bureau Manager. He ensures that all of the cards we receive during the month are distributed properly. He oversees the entire distribution process including subscriptions. John responds to subscriber inquiries, maintains liaison with the ARRL and provides each Letter-Manager with a monthly update on newly purchased credits, address changes, etc.

All subscriptions are recorded in our main database

In order to maintain an up-to-date record of all QSL Bureau subscriptions and renewals, our Chief Financial Officer (Treasurer), Gene Ingraham, N2BIM makes bank deposits and ensures that all payments are properly recorded and that the appropriate credit has been given to each subscriber who has sent us money for the month. Just before the club meeting, Gene prepares annual financial statements to the club and sets up our budget for the following year.

With dedicated people like John, Gene, and the members of NJDXA, the ARRL Second District QSL Bureau enjoys an excellent reputation among our subscribers. We are fortunate to have people like these men who are willing to pitch in and help keep the operation at peak performance.

What we do

Our primary focus is on sorting and distributing foreign QSL cards addressed to our subscribers whose call was issued in the Second District. With a work force of over 45 dedicated volunteers, we handle approximately one/half million cards per year.

Outgoing DX QSL Cards

An important note: Our Bureau does not distribute out-going QSL cards addressed to DX stations. The ARRL offers an out-going QSL Service. You can get more information at:
